The Sloe Gin Rickey

By Ambrose Heath and published in 1939 by Faber and Faber


"This collection of divers drinks is offered for all those occasions when drinking is desirable: on a winter's evening by the fire, on the shady verge of the tennis court, at a party, in a pub; with friends, or aquaintances or those even dearer, wherever they may happen to be together: to the advancement of the brewer and the wine merchant, and the confusion of dull dogs"

June 1939

From this wonderful book full of recipes for home made liqueurs and other alcoholic delights I bring you...


The Sloe Gin Rickey

Squeeze the juice of half a good-sized lime into a tumbler containing a lump or two of ice. Add three-quarters of a gill of Sloe Gin, and fill up with cold soda water.